Chemotherapy has come a long way over the years. The well-known side effects are still present, although the percentage of patients experiencing them is dramatically reduced. Everybody gets some, but nobody gets all. I also need to account for the research study drug I'm testing in side-effect assessment. Fortunately, my side effects lessened considerably by 5 or 6 days after treatment.
On Wednesday, my first full day with the pump, I took the compost out to the bin and when I grabbed the latch to open the bin, the metal burned my fingers. Neuropathy, in chemotherapy, is a sensitivity to cold in your hands, feet and mouth. It's very painful and followed by a strong tingling in the affected area. I wear gloves when I leave the house or take anything out of the fridge or freezer. I can't wash with or drink cold water. I wear fluffy socks to bed or my feet get so cold I can't sleep. I have to wear slippers in the house or the tile burns my feet. I haven't played "the floor is lava" since I was a kid. *hears a whisper* "Everything is lava, buddy."
The fatigue is interesting. When you pump your body full of poison it triggers your fight or flight response, making me feel like I need to go for a jog. So I'm amped up while simultaneously feeling a giant hand holding me down. This fatigue is less about sleepiness and more about difficulty moving my body. Dealing with that all day generally puts me to sleep by about 4 pm. At around six, I wake up and carry on with the day until midnight or later. It's hard to calm my brain at night, something new for me. Staying up late isn't, because I love those quiet hours, but before chemo I could fall asleep when ready. No insomnia.
I never struggled with headaches or had a migraine, until the cancer diagnosis. Maybe it's the emotional strain, maybe it's my body telling me something is wrong, maybe it's a secret (DLT)... but my cancer headache is now two and a half months old and counting.
The side effect most commonly associated with chemotherapy is nausea. I've been prescribed medication to combat it so I'm ready the moment it hits. It hasn't hit. There were a couple days when I felt queasy, but nothing approaching nausea.
Enter acid reflux. I have no lack of appetite (another possible side effect) but the acid reflux hit me pretty hard two days after the FOLFOX infusion. I'm hungry when I should be, food tastes okay, but it feels like I'm feeding a volcano. I'm no stranger to acid reflux but this is next level. On Saturday, I tried eating some beans from earlier in the week, nothing major; kidney beans, garlic, diced tomatoes, cumin, salt... you get the picture. It was like swallowing lava (a theme?). I'd never experienced anything like this. I'll have to change up my diet for the next infusion.
Participating in the research study has its benefits. I get the added treatment drug, additional personal care, scans and medications free of charge. This particular drug has some overlapping side effects with chemotherapy, with the additional possibility of fast heart rate and skin ailments. Skin troubles just recently hit--pain, redness, rash and acne. I didn't even have acne as a teenager. Have I said "next level" regarding a side effect? Yes, yes I have. I think my camera is trying to color-correct the redness out of my face.